May 2024 Developer Feedback

May 2024 Developer Feedback

We are committed to improving your experience based on the insightful feedback from our community. Your input helps us refine and enhance our game, ensuring it aligns with your needs and expectations. Below, we address the feedback for the month of May.

πŸ’¬ To make it easier for players to distinguish, can we tweak the colors for Founding rarity? In my opinion, using a vibrant velvet red would be ideal.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»Yes, we can improve the color codes of the rarity to make them more distinguishable.


πŸ’¬ Sometimes, other players are a lap behind. It would help if the map in the upper right of the screen showed labels or numbers on the circles based on each player's rank. This way, we can easily see who's ahead and who's behind.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»We'll assess the effort required and explore ways to improve this. I haven't noticed this feature in other racing games, but if it's easy to do, we're open to incorporating it into our plans.


πŸ’¬ It's hard to filter Pegas when you have many to view. After viewing a Pega's details and going back, the filter resets to "All rarity."

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»We'll take note of this and improve things better later on.


πŸ’¬ Traps shouldn't vanish until they catch someone. They're kinda pointless otherwise, especially from a distance.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»We've made an adjustment.The traps stick around for about 45 seconds now, longer than before.


πŸ’¬ After playing for a week, I'm loving the gameplay, but we need more than just races. Adding in-game events soon would keep things interesting.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Adding some in-game events is definitely on our radar. It's just that right now, we're focusing on rolling out features that cater to the web3 users. But don't worry, we'll get those events in there soon enough!


πŸ’¬ More ways to get Pega parts without breaking the bank would be great. Founding Pega feel kinda worthless now, especially after all that investment.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! We understand your concerns about the balance between spending and gameplay enjoyment, especially with Founding Pegas. We're working on addressing these issues in a way that's fair and enjoyable for everyone. It's a bit of a process because every aspect of the game is interconnected, but rest assured, we're committed to finding the right balance.


πŸ’¬ The game seems biased towards Pacer and Rare parts, leaving Epic, Legendary, and Founding parts in the dust unless you're buying chests. Different trophy roads for each rarity would be a nice touch.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Epic to Founding parts and cards are available through the daily offer in the Shop and in Racer Deals. It's what we've got at the moment, but stay tuned for more updates down the road. Your feedback is super important, so keep it coming!


πŸ’¬ Those of us outside Asia suffer with high ping, making competition tough.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We totally get how frustrating it can be to deal with high ping. The key solution here is to bring in more players from your region to even out the competition. We're on it!


πŸ’¬ Different trophy roads for each rarity would be a nice touch.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We're sticking with one trophy road for now, but we will explore this in future.


πŸ’¬ I understand the need for race track items, but their frequency can be overwhelming. It might be worth reconsidering how often they appear. Specifically, Thunderbolt hits too early in races; introducing it mid-game could balance things. Also, allowing players to manually aim Thunderbolt could add strategic depth.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We'll definitely take a look at the frequency of certain race track items and see if we need to make any adjustments. As for the Thunderbolt, it's designed to target the Pega in the highest position. So if you're in 2nd place and use it, it'll zap the Pega in 1st. If they have a shield, it moves down the line to the next highest position. We're also planning to introduce more items in the future to keep things fresh and exciting.


πŸ’¬ Why not host events where the first 10 players to reach 1080 trophies with a single Pega or the first 10 guilds to reach over 50,000 trophies get awarded? This would boost motivation and increase competition.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We actually have plans to introduce Guild Achievements, where guilds can earn rewards for completing certain tasks. It's gonna take a bit of time to develop, but it's in the works. As for individual player events, we're definitely looking to add those too. Right now, we're prioritizing features for our web3 users, but rest assured, we'll be adding more events to keep the competition fierce and fun!


πŸ’¬ Please add running and skill sound effects. Improve Mini Beam and Ice Bullet to auto-hit opponents ahead like in Mario Kart. Allow Energy Shield to cure stuns and slows. Extend Traps and Landmines duration to 10 seconds and address lag issues.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We're constantly working on improving performance, including addressing lag issues. As for the other improvements like adding sound effects and revamping skills, we'll definitely look into those too.

πŸ’¬ I've noticed that players who excel on the trophy leaderboard don't receive rewards. I suggest providing special rewards. This could add more incentive for competitive play.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Rewards for top players on the Trophy leaderboard are definitely something we're working on, and we'll implement it in the future.

πŸ’¬ Some Pegaxy powers feel overpowered, like Lightning Bolt, giving unfair advantages. More player control over powers or manual aiming could balance gameplay. Introducing new utilities could enhance race variety. Addressing these issues would greatly improve the Pegaxy Race experience.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We're constantly working to enhance gameplay and add variety, so your feedback is super important. Regarding the Lightning Bolt ability, we'll definitely review it to ensure fairness for all players. Our goal is to create a balanced and enjoyable experience where everyone has a shot at the top spot.


πŸ’¬ Having numbers in both games and personal storage feels odd for a game context. I'd prefer to know if I'm playing with a strong player or not. Everything feels too private. With 15 Pega, I need to check their stats before choosing. Also, limiting Pega based on trophies seems strange as it devalues them. Adding more information like win rate and loss rate to Pega would help identify their value in our inventory.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We've updated the game to show both Pega IDs and usernames to make things feel more personal. Regarding the trophy system, it's designed to make climbing the ranks more challenging as you progress. We'll definitely consider adding more information to Pega, like win and loss rates, to help players make informed decisions about their lineup. While win rate might not have been as crucial in previous versions, we'll take your feedback into account for future improvements.


πŸ’¬ I suggest adding a name change card to the marketplace, purchasable with gold VIS, for players who want to change their in-game names.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Great suggestion! We're already working on adding feature to let players change their names.


πŸ’¬ It's challenging to select Pega due to the locked Pega provided by the game. Setting the filter to Premium doesn't fix this issue.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» For selecting Pegas for matches, we believe it's important for users to make their own choices rather than having the game auto-pick for them. This way, you have full control over your strategy and gameplay.


πŸ’¬ Can we add a pop-up notice if I use a material Pega for awakening and that material Pega has trophies? The notice would say that X amount of trophies will be lost if I proceed.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We'll work on implementing a pop-up notice to let you know if you're about to use a Pega with trophies for awakening, so you're fully informed before proceeding.


πŸ’¬ I'd like to request a feature that functions like an inventory for all in-game items: Pega Parts, Skill Cards, and Pega Skins. This would allow us to check and monitor the count of all items, even without the actual Pega (Founding, Legendary, etc.). It would be a valuable addition to the game.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We'll definitely consider adding an inventory feature for all in-game items like Pega Parts, Skill Cards, and Pega Skins. It sounds like a great idea to help players keep track of their items.


πŸ’¬ I understand the game is still new since its launch. I hope upcoming updates and game modes stay true to the game's theme. While I enjoy Battle mode and appreciate the alternate mode per day, it's less enticing to many players. This leads to longer queue times, making it harder to grind for the day.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We understand your concern. Additional game modes can indeed make finding a match harder. We're working on ways to improve matchmaking.


πŸ’¬ When claiming a reward in Trophy Road, it often doesn't automatically scroll to the latest reward to be claimed. This repetitive scrolling for each claim is a poor user experience.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Thanks for pointing that out! We know about this issue and are working on a fix. Soon, claiming rewards will be much smoother and more user-friendly.


πŸ’¬ Many guilds are facing the issue of inactive players. The condition stating that users with their seat listed for sale cannot be kicked is causing issues. Inactive players are exploiting this by attempting to profit from their seat, blocking guild development. This condition should be removed. If an inactive player wants to leave, they should sell their seat for either the same price they bought it for or the guild standard price. Alternatively, the guild leader should have the ability to kick such players. This would prevent seat blocking and ensure active participation in guilds.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We plan to add a feature that will automatically unlist a seat after a certain number of days, allowing the guild owner to kick inactive players. This should help keep guilds active and growing.


πŸ’¬ Is it possible to reduce the Guild Points earned from premium skins? Alternatively, could the skins be restricted to use on only one Pega? In my experience with solo battle mode, some idle Pega in the corner yet earn higher Guild Points than the 3rd place. While owning a premium skin is a perk, let's aim for fair competition. Premium skins should be limited to one Pega to maintain fairness and balance.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We're looking into ways to balance the Guild Points earned from premium skins. One idea is to require users to pay VIS (or HC) to unequip skins. If that doesn't help, we might consider limiting the Guild Points or usage times for skins.


πŸ’¬ Currently, if you steal an ability from an opponent like Lightning Bolt or Sky Thunder, you get stunned, leaving you vulnerable to further attacks for a significant period. To enhance gameplay enjoyment, please consider granting immunity for a short duration after stealing an ability.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» This is called CC chain in many games, we're working on solutions, including introducing Bloodline Perks. One of these perks will address the ability you suggested, giving players more ways to strategize and avoid being immobilized for too long. We appreciate your feedback!


πŸ’¬ Remove open chest from guild daily quest.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We'll definitely consider this.


πŸ’¬ Chest prices should offer more parts. I've burnt over 100 Pega for 12 legendary chests, but it only provided enough parts to level up 3 legendary Pega to level 11.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Adjusting the numbers can affect the game's economy as a whole. We'll keep this in mind as we continue to refine the balance between chests and parts.


πŸ’¬ Solo battle mode has too many loopholes, particularly with players exploiting premium skins. Even if a Pega is not moving or AFK it still gains more guild points. Additionally, some Pega intentionally stop moving to allow guild members to hit them freely and earn more points. This unfairly benefits guilds, especially if the idle Pega has a premium skin. If battle mode is to be part of guild tournaments, consider implementing a team battle mode instead of solo, to discourage individual exploitation and encourage team play.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We hear your concerns about the loopholes in Solo Battlemode. While we can't entirely prevent certain strategies, we're working on new features to minimize the advantage gained from premium skins. As for the Guild Points boost from skins, we're implementing changes to address this issue.


πŸ’¬ Consider making Pega parts and equipment more challenging to obtain, encouraging strategic decision-making. Allowing Pegas to be disassembled for parts adds complexity, raising the stakes. Introducing randomized elements and fusing parts could add unpredictability and strategy. Categorizing races based on equipment/parts stats and Pega rarity would intensify competition and progression. This would make strategic choices in assembling and customizing Pegas crucial for performance in specific races. Additionally, providing an option to purchase equipment via lottery could add excitement and appeal to players who enjoy risk and anticipation.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» While implementing these ideas could add depth and complexity to the game, it would require significant effort and resources. Currently, we've drawn inspiration from successful games like Brawl Stars and other Supercell titles, which have seen immense success. Adapting such features for a web3 user base presents its own challenges, but we're committed to learning, analyzing, and potentially integrating new elements over time.


πŸ’¬ Another use for VIS: allow us to reroll abilities with it. For those who got useless abilities on a Founding, being able to pay VIS to reroll would be great.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We've actually considered adding this feature in the past, and it's still on our radar. We'll continue to explore the possibility of allowing players to reroll abilities using VIS.


πŸ’¬ Add a marketplace in the app to help players view Pegas they want. If they can't buy directly, clicking will transfer them to the Mirai app. This would benefit everyone.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We've actually thought about adding a marketplace in the app before. While it's a great idea in theory, it does require a lot of effort to implement. Plus, since players would still need to use the Mirai App, we need to carefully consider its effectiveness. Rest assured, we're not ruling it out completely, but it's something we'll need to weigh carefully before moving forward.


πŸ’¬ All chests bought with USDT or diamonds should be NFTs/unlocked. Since real money is used, it’s unfair for paying players to get locked items. This needs consideration for the game's sustainability.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Making all items bought with USDT or diamond NFTs sounds appealing, but it does come with challenges. Players could potentially abuse refund features from stores after buying NFTs with real money. This creates a complex situation that we'll need to carefully consider for the sustainability of the game.


πŸ’¬ Players feel Pacers are better than Founders, which isn't fair for those who supported Pegaxy from the start. Founders should have more value in Pegaxy 2.0. Please make Founders worth collecting.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We've definitely considered the feedback regarding Founders. While it might seem like Pacers have an edge, Founders are actually stronger when they're at the same level with the same skills. We understand your desire to see Founders become more valuable, and we'll continue to evaluate ways to make them worth collecting.

Thank you for sharing your awesome feedback with us! We're always thrilled to hear from our fantastic Pegaxians. Keep it coming, we're all ears! Note, while we greatly value your input, it's important to note that the feedback and solutions shared here aren't set in stone and may undergo changes. Your continued insights help us shape the best gaming experience for everyone!